- quad(rat)
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Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
quad|rat — «KWOD ruht», noun. 1. Printing. a piece of metal used for wide spaces in setting type; quad. 2. (in experimental agriculture) a square area of convenient size laid off for the purpose of accurate planting. 3. (in phytogeography) a similar square… … Useful english dictionary
quad|rat|ic — «kwod RAT ihk», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. Algebra. of or having to do with an equation in which one or more of the terms is squared, but raised to no higher powers. 2. of or like a square; square. –n. = quadratic equation. (Cf. ↑quadratic… … Useful english dictionary
quad|rat|i|cal|ly — «kwod RAT uh klee», adverb. to the second degree … Useful english dictionary
quad|rat|i|cal — «kwod RAT uh kuhl», adjective. = quadratic. (Cf. ↑quadratic) … Useful english dictionary
quad|rat|ics — «kwod RAT ihks», noun. the branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations … Useful english dictionary
bi|quad|rat|ic — «BY kwod RAT ihk», adjective, noun. –adj. of or containing a fourth power in mathematics; quartic. –n. 1. the fourth power of a number. 2. = biquadratic equation. (Cf. ↑biquadratic equation) … Useful english dictionary
quad — quad·ded; quad·der; quad·dle; quad·ra; quad·ra·ge·nar·i·ous; quad·ra·ges·i·ma; quad·ra·ges·i·mal; quad·ra·ges·i·mo oc·ta·vo; quad·ran·gle; quad·ran·gled; quad·rans; quad·ra·ture; quad·ren·ni·al·ly; quad·ri·centennial; quad·ri·ceps;… … English syllables
quad — quad1 [kwäd] n. short for: 1. QUADRANGLE (of a college) 2. QUADRUPLET adj. short for QUADRAPHONIC quad2 [kwäd] n. [< QUAD(RAT)] … English World dictionary
rat — acroc·e·rat·i·dae; ap·pa·rat; bac·ca·rat; be·rat; bo·rat·ed; bun·des·rat; ce·rat·ed; ce·rat·o·dus; cir·rat·u·lid; cir·rat·u·lus; cor·po·rat·ism; cor·po·rat·ist; cu·rat·age; cu·rat·ess; cu·rat·ic; de·rat; de·rat·i·za·tion; elab·o·rat·er;… … English syllables
quad|rate — «adjective, noun. KWOD riht, rayt; verb. KWOD rayt», adjective, noun, verb, rat|ed, rat|ing. –adj. 1. square or rectangular. 2. of or designating the quadrate bone. 3. Heraldry. (of a cross) having arms which expand into a square at their… … Useful english dictionary
quadrat — quad·rat … English syllables